Brum Bands Story
Clint McGill, the founder of Baseball Notes – which teaches confidence to baseball and softball players - was looking for a high level hitting coach to teach to his students. A mutual friend connected him with Mike Brumley (“Brum”), a former Major Leaguer and highly respected hitting coach with over 40 years experience at the pro level.
When watching Brum work, Clint was fascinated by how different his methods were. Brum and his son Logan would use a series of props and gadgets – most homemade - that FORCED hitters to FEEL strong positions. Brum said that hitters rarely make real adjustments through explanations – but when they FEEL a new move, they get it.
While Brum does NOT want to be seen as some sort of guru – Clint finally convinced him and Logan to share their training methods with the world.
After the set of Bands proved to be wildly popular, BrumBands.com was created. Today the Brum Bands, Towel Bat and the Swing Made Easy online training have been sold all over the world and are a part of the daily routine of thousands of hitters and can be found inside almost every professional facility.
Our hope is that through Brumbands.com we can make a massively positive impact on your career.
Let’s hit.